Provider Information

Cotiviti VARAC Provider Portal Information

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* Please allow 7-10 business days for address changes to be processed.

Cotiviti VARAC Correspondence Information

Below are samples of what providers can expect to receive from Cotiviti VARAC if information is being requested or in response to a dispute request.

Providers interested in making alternative payment arrangements such a s a payment plan or compromise need to submit their request in writing, including, identification of the Notice of Indebtedness number, total amount of debt, and proposed repayment schedule (e.g., $1000/per month over 6 months). Providers should submit the request to Cotiviti with the following documents:

  • Providers signed formal compromise or signed formal payment plan proposal
  • Previous year taxes
  • Recent financial statements
Provider submits all required documents and sends to Cotiviti via mail.
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